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Find my bus

Are you wating for a bus and wonder how far along the route it is? Here, we provide you with the option to see your booking and track the location of the bus you will be travelling with. You can also explore our routes on the map.

The ‘Find my bus’ map allows you to track your bus on the map, where its current location is and the stops it has passed on the route. You can also view route details, see the full path on the map, and zoom in to see each individual stop.

Link on your digital ticket

If you were loggen in when purchasing your ticket, you will find a link to Find my bus:

  • On My page
  • Below your ticket details in the NOR-WAY-app

You may also follow the link below and make a search using your reference number to see your journey and bus on the map.

>> Search Find my bus

Find my bus on web and in app ticket

Map functionality

In the map, you can see all the routes that go throughout the year. Please note that the language of the service is only Norwegian. Choose: 

  • Velg din NOR-WAY-linje (choose your NOR-WAY line) – See our lines, stops and buses in a map.
  • Se din reise (View your journey) – Make a search by using the reference number on your ticket (on digital ticket or in email) and see your journey and where the bus currently is.
  • Click Reisedetaljer (Travel details) and see a list of stops and where along the line the bus is.
Find my bus on mobile

Regardless of where the bus is on the map, we ask you to:

  • Meet at the bus stop at the time stated in the ticket. The map service may give an unprecise position of the bus. 

Please note: If a map and journey is not visible when you make a search on the reference number, the cause may be the travel combination (transfers) or that the travel time is not close enough. Seasonal routes (such as Snow coaches, Romsdalseggenbussen) are not included in the service.

Please also look for information here:

See Our Traffic information

If challenging situations on the road occur causing delays etc for our departures, we will publish info on the Traffic information page

At times the bus may be delayed by busy traffic etc. For minor delays we may not publish information, and we appreciate that you wait patiently.

Contact Customer Service

You may also get in touch with customer service within their opening hours. See the Customer service contact details.

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